November 2009 - Swimmer of the Month

Posted on 09/12/2009 23:13:28 in Squads

Congratulations to the swimmers who were selected from their Squads as Swimmer of the Month for November 2009.

Swimmer of the Month - November 2009

The presentations for November took place at Hebburn Pool on Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm.

Squad Swimmer
A Squad Faye Pinder
B Squad Nicole Lough
C Squad Liam Oxberry
D Squad Mason Tighe
Land Trainer Philip Graham
Pre-comp Wed Bethany Langford
Rookies 3 & 4 Wed Bryony Coldwell
Rookies 1 & 2 Wed Myah Erasmus
Sun Lucy Hogg
Stingrays Wed Eve West
Dolphins Wed Jacob Keeleyside
Tadpoles Wed Dylan Love
Jack James

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