October 2010 - Swimmer of the Month

Posted on 08/11/2010 21:15:28 in Squads

Congratulations to the swimmers who were selected from their Squads as Swimmer of the Month for October 2010.

Swimmer of the Month - Oct 2010 

The presentations took place at Hebburn Swimming Pool on Wednesday 3rd November at 7.30pm.

Squad Swimmer
A Squad Annabel Watson
B Squad Bethany Star Cooper
C Squad Ethan Clark
D Squad Erin Rickaby
Land Trainer Ella Blythen
Pre-comp Wed Aimee Hogarth
Rookies 3 & 4 Wed William Maw
Rookies 1 & 2 Wed Patrick Allen
Stingrays Wed Elise Souter
Dolphins Wed Abigail Smith
Tadpoles Wed Callum Harrison
Paige Hope
Jessica Price
Emma Hutchison


If you wish to order this photograph, it is available at a size of 10" x 8" for £3.50. Please let either Karen Kirsop have your order or use the contact page on the website.

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