The photographs from the Annual Club Gala held on 21st November and displayed on the projector during our recent Presentation Evening are available to order.

I will be at Hebburn Pool with my Netbook and an external monitor so that the photos can be viewed prior to order

Viewing Dates

  • Sunday 23rd January - 2.00pm til 3.15pm
  • Wednesday 26th January - 6.45pm til 9.00pm
  • Sunday 30th January - 2.00pm til 3.15pm
  • Wednesday 2nd February - 6.45pm til 9.00pm - Swimmer of the Month

Size Information

There are two sizes available to choose from with two types of finish.

  • Size 1 is a standard 6" x 4" priced at £2.50 per print
  • Size 2 is a larger size of 8" x 6" priced at £3.50 per print

Note:  Cropping is required for the larger size photograph.  As a result the photograph will not contain the full original image.  Any cropping will be done in a way to ensure the main subject of the image is not effected.


  • Gloss - This is the default finish from most photographic processing at stores.
  • Matt - If the photograph will be mounted in a photo frame behind glass this may be a better choice. 


To order, note down the image number in the bottom left hand corner from the slideshow.  The number will not appear on the final photograph.  The Club Logo will placed in an appropriate place on the final photograph unless it is specifically requested that it not be added.

Annual Club Gala 2010

Orders will be processed by the Karen in the Kit Shop or through Rose on the door for Learn to Swim.  Payment by cheque is preferable.

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