Swimmer of the Month - October 2013

Posted on 07/11/2013 22:53:48 in Squads

Congratulations to the swimmers who were selected from their Squads as Swimmer of the Month for October 2013.

Swimmer of the Month - October 2013

The presentations took place at Hebburn Swimming Pool on Wednesday 6th November at 7.45pm.

Squad Swimmer
A Squad Molly Momat
B Squad
Holly Smith
C Squad
Jack Barry
D Squad Rhiannon Bridges
Land Trainer A Rachel Taylor
C Millie Blythe
Pre-comp Wed Ellie White
Rookies 3 & 4 Wed Joe Miller
Rookies 1 & 2 Wed Lucie Francis
Sharks Wed Frazer Dick
Stingrays Wed Sam Weightman
Dolphins Wed Florence Stockdale
Tadpoles Wed Toby Male


If you wish to order this photograph, it is available at a size of 10" x 8" for £3.50. Please let either Mark Whitelock, Karen Kirsop or Rose have your order.

Orders placed will be processed after the 3rd Thursday each month for delivery at the next Swimmer of the Month.

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