Thank you to everyone who supported the fundraising ventures for our Club Championship on Sunday.
A grand total of £667.60 was raised.
Click on more for details.
Thank you to everyone who donated, helped out or took part in our fundraising ventures over the weekend of our Autumn Meet 2017.
Grand Total raised £616.47. Click on more for details.
A great big Thank You to everyone who helped with the fundraising at our 2017 Spring Meet - donators, bakers, preparers, sellers and buyers! One raffle prize was left unclaimed from Sundays raffle - Blue 371 to 375 - if the lucky winner does not come forward by Saturday 6th May the prize will be re-donated. A grand Total of £641.98 was raised. Click on more for breakdown.
Thank you to the small group of volunteers who helped host the round of Junior League at Haven Point and to those who donated items for our fundraising ventures.
A grand total of £307.36 was raised. Thank you also to everyone from the visiting clubs for supporting us by spending their cash. Click on more for a breakdown.