Thanks to all those who supported the Club at the ASDA Bag Pack on Sunday 20th December 2015. An amazing total of £1,248.15 was raised!
A big thank you to everyone who donated items for the fundraising activities and to all the volunteers who helped out with the preparation and/or on the day. A grand total of £646.80 was raised. Click on more for a breakdown.
A grand total of £397.00 was raised for Club funds at the JL Finals on Sunday. A big "Thank you" goes out to those who supplied the gorgeous home baked cakes on the day or donated any of the items that were used as prizes and also to the small fundraising Team who helped out on the day.
Thank you for your donations of old, odd or broken gold and silver jewellery to convert into cash. These have been weighed in and the Club received a total of £80.18.
A big thank to all who contributed in any way to the fundraising at our Spring Meet. A grand total of £633.42 was raised.