A massive thank you to everyone who supported the fundraising ventures for our Club Championship in any way. A grand total of £781 was raised. Click on more for further details.
A big thank you to everyone who supported our Autumn Meet fundraising ventures in any way.
A grand total of £665.48 was raised.
Click on more for a breakdown of this figure.
A big thank you to everyone who donated eggs and/or bought tickets for the Easter Egg Tombola that took place at Swimmer of the Month on March 2nd 2016. A magnificent £285 was raised for Club funds.
Thank you to all those who supported the Presentation Night by donating prizes and to all our swimmers and their families and friends who took part in our fundraising ventures at the celebration.
A grand total of £485.20 was raised from the Teddy Bear Tombola, Raffle and Key Draw.