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  • South Tyneside at the Nationals

    Posted on 05/08/2015 16:17:44 in News

    South Tyneside are at the 2015 ASA National Championships this week and Jake Whitelock competed in the 50m Breaststroke this morning (16/17 yr old category). Finishing in a time of 31.22s he has made the finals tonight.

  • The ASA NER and National Times 2012

    Posted on 24/01/2012 23:43:03 in Squads

    The official ASA NER Qualification Times 2012 and ASA National Times are now available as links on the Squad pages under the section Useful Documents.

  • The details of two National Championships have been added to the event pages. Good Luck to Faye Pinder who is competing in 100m and 200m Butterfly events at the British Gas ASA National Youth Championships starting 3rd August in Sheffield. The British Gas ASA National Championships starting 18th August will see Nichole Lough and Josef Craig competing at Sunderland. Best of luck to both of them.