October 2009 - Swimmer of the Month

Posted on Wednesday, November 04, 2009 in Squads

Congratulations to the swimmers who were selected from their Squads as Swimmer of the Month for October 2009.

October 2009 Swimmer of the Month

The presentations for October took place at Hebburn Pool on Wednesday 4th November at 7.30pm.

Squad Swimmer
A Squad Josef Craig
B Squad Nicole McCulla
C Squad Amber Rodgers
D Squad Estelle Clarke
Land Trainer Molly Momat
Pre-comp Wed Sophie Gwynn
Rookies 3 & 4 Wed Erin Sowerby
Rookies 1 & 2 Wed Daniel Archer
Sun Sebby Winter
Stingrays Wed Matthew Chadaway
Dolphins Wed Morgan Harrison
Tadpoles Wed Caitlin Purvis

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