Derwentside ASC 4th Annual Charity Swim Meet 2013

When Saturday, June 08, 2013 Category Gala
Until Sunday, June 09, 2013

The 2013 Derwentside ASC Annual Charity Swim Meet will take place at The Louisa Centre, Stanley.

Competing age as at 9th June 2013.

Gala Schedule .pdf
Qualifying Times .pdf
Results .pdf


Session times have been altered as follows:-


Mornings        Warm-up 9am for 10am start.

Afternoons      Warm-up 12.30pm for 1.30pm start.


As it is a charity meet, late entries will be happily accepted by the Meet Manager.

Location Details

Street/Post Code The Louisa Centre, Front Street, DH9 0TE
Town/City Stanley

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