South Tyneside S.C. Autumn Meet 2015

When Saturday, October 17, 2015 Category Gala
Until Saturday, October 17, 2015

South Tyneside Swimming Club are hosting their Annual Autumn Meet at Haven Point on Saturday 17th October 2015. 

The gala is operated under ASA Law and Technical Rules - Level 3.

Age as at 17th October 2015.  


Gala Documentation

Please find below the documents relating to our Gala.

Meet Information (amended re 9yr olds) .pdf
ONE DAY Schedule .pdf
Results .pdf


Due to a reduced entry this meet has been changed to a One Day Meet, taking place on Saturday 17th October.  A revised schedule of events is available above and has been sent out to all relevant clubs.

Morning Warm-up 8.00am for Start 9.00am

Afternoon Warm-up 12.45pm for Start 13.45pm


Location Details

Street/Post Code Pier Parade, NE33 2JS
Town/City South Shields

No map available

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